Hashcatch - Capture Handshakes Of Nearby Wifi Networks Automatically
Hashcatch deauthenticates clients connected to all nearby WiFi networks together with tries to capture the handshakes. It tin endure used inwards whatever linux device including Raspberry Pi together with Nethunter devices thus that y'all tin capture handshakes piece walking your dog Written past times @SivaneshAshok PoC of hashcatch (running alongside a span of WiFi networks inside range) Setting up ./setup.sh Enter the interface that tin endure switched to monitor mode The script volition install the prerequisites Usage sudo ./hashcatch.sh The script runs indefinitely until keyboard interrupt If you're targeting a wifi network, pass unopen to xx to thirty seconds inside the wifi's hit to ensure handshake capture Handshakes captured volition endure stored inwards handshakes/ directory The captured WiFi network's BSSID together with ESSID volition endure stored inwards db file [Experimental] If y'all are connected to the cyberspace piece ca...